Introduction to Crystal Therapy Workshops

Two crystal therapy workshops to start you on your crystal journey. Together they also form the first module of the Full Spectrum Course.

All workshops in this series run from 10.00 – 5.00, with a lunch break and two tea breaks. Drinks and biscuits will be provided. We recommend you bring lunch with you, unless you prefer to eat at No. 10 Tea Garden.

To book, click the link to the application form below.

Introduction to Crystal Therapy Workshops 1Introduction to Crystal Therapy Workshop One

Requirements: No previous experience necessary
New date to be announced
Venue: Earthworks at Rebel Angel Crystals
Fee: £95 (includes set of 8 crystals with pouch and book)

This workshop is your gateway into the world of crystals. You will be introduced to:

  • Crystal care
  • Crystal Attunement
  • Chakras and crystals
  • Breathwork, centring and grounding, meditation
  • Trusting your intuition
  • Tools for self-development

A set of 8 crystals with pouch and book are included in the price. The crystals will form the first part of your Mineral Medicine Chest and (should you choose to continue) will serve you throughout the course and beyond.

Introduction to Crystal Therapy Workshop TwoIntroduction to Crystal Therapy Workshops 2

Requirements: Attendance of Workshop One
Date: New date to be announced
Venue: Earthworks at Rebel Angel Crystals
Fee: £80 (includes a set of three crystals)

The second workshop in this module explores interacting with and treating others. You will be introduced to:

  • Giving a simple treatment
  • Crystals in your home and environment
  • More meditations and other tools for self-development
  • Boundaries and ethics

Click here for the application form






